age       black     case      clerical  construc  educ      earns74   gdhlth   
inlf      leis1     leis2     leis3     smsa      lhrwage   lothinc   male     
marr      prot      rlxall    selfe     sleep     slpnaps   south     spsepay  
spwrk75   totwrk    union     worknrm   workscnd  exper     yngkid    yrsmarr  
hrwage    agesq     

  Obs:   706

  1. age                      in years
  2. black                    =1 if black
  3. case                     identifier
  4. clerical                 =1 if clerical worker
  5. construc                 =1 if construction worker
  6. educ                     years of schooling
  7. earns74                  total earnings, 1974
  8. gdhlth                   =1 if in good or excellent health
  9. inlf                     =1 if in labor force
 10. leis1                    sleep - totwrk
 11. leis2                    slpnaps - totwrk
 12. leis3                    rlxall - totwrk
 13. smsa                     = 1 if live in smsa
 14. lhrwage                  log hourly wage
 15. lothinc                  log othinc, unless othinc < 0
 16. male                     = 1 if male
 17. marr                     = 1 if married
 18. prot                     = 1 if Protestant
 19. rlxall                   slpnaps + personal activs
 20. selfe                    =1 if self employed
 21. sleep                    mins sleep at night, per week
 22. slpnaps                  mins sleep, including naps, per week
 23. south                    =1 if live in south
 24. spsepay                  spousal wage income
 25. spwrk75                  =1 if spouse works
 26. totwrk                   mins worked per week
 27. union                    =1 if belong to union
 28. worknrm                  mins work main job
 29. workscnd                 mins work second job
 30. exper                    age - educ - 6
 31. yngkid                   =1 if children < 3 present
 32. yrsmarr                  years married
 33. hrwage                   hourly wage
 34. agesq                    age^2